A protein bar is possibly the most straightforward and practical supper option on this compilation. Make your selection from a variety of bars that contain minimal added sugar, a minimum of 3 grams of fiber.
An ordinary bagel contains a total of 300 calories, excluding any spreads or garnishes. Replace the traditional bread with a thin, whole grain bagel that contains approximately 100 calories.
Greek yogurt is renowned for its substantial protein content, rendering it a practical accompaniment to meals or a self-contained refreshment. To commence, select a yogurt that is devoid of any added sugar.
When you need something on the go for breakfast, a ready-to-drink smoothie is another excellent option, but not all alternatives are created equal.
Oatmeal, which is rich in fiber, can be mixed with an inexhaustible variety of ingredients to produce a substantial breakfast. In addition, little effort is needed to prepare it.
Even though protein cereal is a relatively new product, its popularity is exploding! Conventional cereal consists primarily of carbohydrates and offers minimal protein content.