
Fantastic Foods That Promote Hair Growth

1. Onions

It contains large amounts of hair-growing nutrients zinc, iron, and biotin.

Onion is a great vegetable since it promotes hair development and also helps to delay graying of the hair

2. Tomatoes

Lycopene, an antioxidant, may be found in abundance in tomatoes.

Tomato juice has several health benefits, including improved skin, hair, and overall health.

3. Garlic

Garlic, despite its offensive odor, is an excellent tonic for the hair.

This is a great addition to a low-calorie diet because of how little calories it has.

Beetroots are a good source of lycopene, which has been shown to promote hair development.

4. Beetroots

Most red foods, not just beetroots, are beneficial to hair health since they may contain the same nutrient.

Vitamins A and E can be found in the highest concentrations in French beans.

5. French Beans

Vitamin E is crucial for enhancing hair's shine and thickness.

Green chili peppers, like keratin, are a great source of vitamin E, and they also help stimulate hair development.

6. Green Chili

It promotes new hair follicle growth by repairing damaged scalp cells.