
The Most Spiritual Zodiac Sign

1. Libra

Libras are in tune with their spiritual side, given that they are all about finding peace and embracing the right.

Librans regard their relationships with others as a means of honoring their higher power.

2. Cancer

Cancers are profound thinkers and ardent feelers who can find spirituality in any situation.

Through Cancer's energy, we experience a beautiful, unconditional maternal love that makes us feel connected to something greater than ourselves.

3. Taurus

Taurus enjoys the finer things in life, but they are just as content with simple pleasures like observing the sunrise or smelling the roses.

Taurus, a sign of the planet Earth, has become the most grounded zodiac sign.

Scorpios are extraordinarily spiritual, drawn to tarot, astrology, and frequently the darker side of spirituality.

4. Scorpio

Scorpios make excellent spiritual guides due to the fact that they invest their entire soul into everything they do.

Sagittarius additionally happens to be extremely contemplative.

5. Sagittarius

Represented by a centaur, their hooves are on the ground, but they are aiming for the heavens.

Pisces is governed by Neptune, the planet associated with spirituality, it should not come as a surprise that it is the most spiritual zodiac sign.

6. Pisces

Pisces have the strongest connections with the supernatural divine.