Look for the Field Spot: Find the creamy yellow spot on the watermelon's underside. A darker, orange-yellow spot indicates a ripe fruit.
Thump Test: Tap the watermelon and listen for a deep, hollow sound. A dull thud may indicate an unripe fruit.
Weight Comparison: Compare the weight of similar-sized watermelons. The heavier one is likely juicier, indicating more water content and ripeness.
Inspect the Stem: If the watermelon has a stem, check for dryness. A dried stem suggests the fruit ripened longer on the vine.
Uniform Shape: Look for a watermelon with a uniform shape, free of bumps or irregularities, which can indicate inconsistent growth and potentially less sweetness.
Size Matters: Opt for a medium-sized watermelon, as excessively large or small ones may be over or underripe.
Use the Two-Finger Trick: Press your fingers into the watermelon's skin. If it gives slightly and springs back, it's likely ripe. If it's too firm or mushy, it may not be ideal.
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